Friday, April 3, 2009

I will admit that finding those incredible moments which some how become a wonderful part of our history is quite mesmerizing to me. These moments may be little ones, the ones when you simply see something that catches your eye and it makes you smile, or you meet a person whom captures your heart. Moments....those incredible ones which define us then become a part of how we each move forward in our lives. These are the moments that we seek to share.

Seeking incredible moments is like a clock ticking away until it hits a specific time like striking midnight, which we have waited so patiently for. A very special moment can sometimes become a single great event that we carry with us like a trophy. Sometimes in silence we revel in these moments keeping them to ourselves, like a divine secret destined to be revealed at a later date and only to be told to those worthy of keeping our treasure hidden. Other times, we shout them to the world with great joy and want them recorded for posterity.

Finding incredible moments in our life is essential, it is the nature of our happiness. It is not about thrill seeking or finding enduring everlasting love which is a plus, but it is about the culmination of moments that fulfill us and make us whole. The lessons learned by each and every moment are the rewards that define us as individuals... creating our compass and show us the way forward.


Tanna said...

Amen, sister! Carpe diem. If we miss the moments... we miss life. So good to see you back in blogville!

Woman in a Window said...

OK, you can't disappear for months and then come back with this profound statement (which I really needed, by the way) " The lessons learned by each and every moment are the rewards that define us as individuals." And then not give us the juice. What profound things have been afoot?

(Great photo! Yours?)