Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just for fun.....

This evening I found myself reading through some famous love letters written ages ago. What I found so interesting was that the majority of ones that are published, were written by men. I do hope that there are still men in the world that do write such beautiful things to the women that they love and that this passionate act is not sadly just a thing of the past. I hope that you will find this as charming as I do.

Here's a short one that I thought I would share;

To Anne Boleyn

My Mistress and Friend, I and my heart put ourselves in your hands, begging you to recommend us to your good grace and not to let absence lessen your affection...or myself the pang of absence is already to great, and when I think of the increase of what I must needs suffer it would be well nigh intolerable but for my firm hope of your unchangeable affection...

Henry VIII (1528)


Woman in a Window said...

Ah, a well penned love letter can tear down empires! Wonderful. And yes, where did all the women's responses go? Or were women more careful in the keeping?

Ty said...

maybe that's why I suck at writing love letters... They don't sound like that!